Biography: P R Raghavan
Metadichol® is a nano emulsion of long-chain alcohols found in many foods. It is commonly called Policosanol and is present in foods such as rice, sugar cane, wheat, peanuts Metadichol® acts on Nuclear Vitamin D receptors (VDR) that are present in cells throughout the body to stimulate the immune system and inhibit a variety of disease processes, resulting from viral, bacterial and parasitic infections. Gene expression analysis will be presented. We tested Metadichol® in vitro against viruses and also against malaria, Tb and MRSA. It is the first of a class of unique nano emulsion molecules that are active against viruses, bacteria and parasites. In assays, Metadichol® showed no cytotoxicity and strongly inhibited cell death caused by each of the pathogen tested. Metadichol® is a safe and effective inhibitor of various pathogens in humans. Because it consists of natural components of common foods and has no known negative side effects, Metadichol® has the potential to serve as a novel, broad-spectrum antiviral treatment for viruses, bacteria and parasites that confront public health today.